8月7 雷阵雨
穿衣指数 热 天气较热,建议着短裙、短裤、短套装、T恤等夏季服装。
舒适度指数 较舒适 白天有降雨,但会使人们感觉有些热,不过大部分人仍会有比较舒...
晨练指数 较不宜 有阵雨,较不宜晨练,若坚持室外锻炼,请携带雨具。建议年老体...
感冒指数 少发 各项气象条件适宜,无明显降温过程,发生感冒机率较低。...
空调指数 较少开启 您将感到很舒适,一般不需要开启空调。...
洗车指数 不宜 不宜洗车,未来24小时内有雨,如果在此期间洗车,雨水和路上...
空气污染指数 良 气象条件有利于空气污染物稀释、扩散和清除,可在室外正常活动...
啤酒指数 适宜 炎热的天气可能增加啤酒对您的诱惑,适量饮用啤酒会给您带来清...
晾晒指数 不宜 有降水,不适宜晾晒。如果非晾晒不可,请在室内准备出充足的空...
旅行指数 一般 温度适宜,风不大,有雷阵雨,旅游指数一般,外出请尽量避开雷...
Welcome the weather forecast of watch tomorrow.The clear weather of morning of tomorrow, the tallest temperature is 5 degrees, have fog in the afternoon, and turn the light rain, the lowest temperature is 0 degrees in the evening.
Welcome to watch!
Weather Forecast
A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific. Meanwhile, precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north. There could be 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday or Friday if it gets cold enough. Otherwise there could be havey rain. Yet there still exists the possibility that the coulds may be pushed out by wind well before then. So frankly we have no idea whatsoever on what the weather will be like next week.
This is roughly the weather forecast on a local channel here in Portland during the weekend...one of the most bizarre and honest weather forecasts I've ever watched. It is refreshing to see that at least one of these so-called meteorologists (AKA weather men ... or women) understands the truth about the business -- one can never predict the weather, just like one can never predict life.
1.There will be continuous high temperature this week. Now the sun has been up for an hour,and the temperature has reached 29 degrees centigrade.
2.The meteorologist says that the highest temperature may reach 40 degrees centigrade in the late afternoon.If anyone doesn't have an air-conditioner,
he or she might have to put up a tent to sleep in at night.
3.It's expected that there won't be any rain in the next
five days.
Below are the last few days the weather forecast:
Yesterday (November 23) changing to light rain, at night, with strong winds in most parts of North China, the minimum temperature of 0 degrees
Today (November 24) in parts of North Yam, maximum temperature 12 degrees. Sometimes, light rain overnight.
Tomorrow (November 25) South than in most parts of sometimes windy, sleet. Maximum temperatures 2 degrees. Minimum temperature of -2 degrees.
Go out when wearing warm clothing. This is the last few days the weather forecast, thank you for watching
近几天=last few days!
龙陵天气预报 (2011-08-09 11:00发布)
9日星期二 白天 中到大雨 高温 23℃ 无持续风向 微风
夜间 阵雨 低温 17℃ 无持续风向 微风
10日星期三 白天 阵雨 高温 25℃ 无持续风向 微风
夜间 阵雨 低温 17℃ 无持续风向 微风
11日星期四 白天 阵雨 高温 25℃ 无持续风向 微风
夜间 中雨 低温 19℃ 无持续风向 微风
未来4-7天天气预报(2011-08-08 18:00发布) 仅供参考
12日星期五 白天 中雨 高温 23℃ 无持续风向 微风
夜间 中到大雨 低温 19℃ 无持续风向 微风
13日星期六 白天 中到大雨 高温 22℃ 无持续风向 微风
夜间 中到大雨 低温 17℃ 无持续风向 微风
14日星期日 白天 中到大雨 高温 24℃ 无持续风向 微风
夜间 阵雨 低温 17℃ 无持续风向 微风
15日星期一 白天 阵雨 高温 25℃ 无持续风向 微风